Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) using a reduced modelling approach
The design process of lightweight structures deformed by flow fields benefits from fast simulation methods of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). Coupled simulations are usually performed only in late design stages due to heavy simulation times. Nevertheless deformation often has significant influence on the systems behaviour, e.g. lift and drag values of a twisting and bending aeroplane wing.

In this project a segregated FSI approach for weak coupling is implemented in the framework of OpenFOAM®\Registered. The code allows to simulate free movable, as well as partially and also fully constrained, deformable structures. The new library can handle FE-matrices provided by arbitrary FE-codes. Both, FE-matrices in physical coordinates and reduced models can be used. Taking advantage of FE-models reduced by Component Mode Synthesis the goal is a fast computing inner skeleton while maintaining the possibility to exchange forces on the physical boundary.

This research project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) under the grant number KF2168616GC1 within the Central Innovation Programme (ZIM) on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.